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Its mass remains the same (except for the very small amounts that stick to the knife blade).

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Q: When you cut an apple into pieces does its mass stay the same or does it get smaller?
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How does the mass of an apple compare to the mass of the same apple sliced into pieces?

The total mass of the apple remains the same whether it is whole or sliced into pieces. Slicing the apple into pieces does not change the total amount of matter in the apple.

Which has more mass a whole sponge or that same broken into tiny pieces?

Both .

Does the mass of an object change when you cut it into pieces?

No, the mass of an object remains the same when it is cut into pieces. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, so dividing it into smaller pieces does not change the total amount of matter present. Each piece will have a portion of the original mass.

Is an apple that is cut a physical or a chemical change?

It is a physical change because while the apple is cut into smaller pieces, it is still composed of the same materials. If you lit the apple on fire, that would result in a chemical change.

Is the mass of an orange the same even if you cut it up?

Yes, the total mass of the orange remains the same even if you cut it up into smaller pieces. Each piece will still contribute to the total mass of the original orange.

When a person takes a bite out of the apple do the apple mass stay the same?

No, the apple mass does not stay the same after taking a bite. When a person takes a bite out of an apple, a portion of the apple's mass is removed. The total mass of the apple decreases as a result.

What happens to the mass of an object when it is cut into pieces?

The mass of an object remains the same when it is cut into pieces. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, and cutting an object into pieces does not change the total amount of matter present.

Does an apple fritter have apple chunks or pieces in it?

well chunks and pieces are basically the same thing although pieces will soften better in the oven as it bakes. hope it helps :)

The particles in two pieces of chocolate has the same average energy of motion one piece has more mass than the other which piece is at a higher temperature?

The piece of chocolate with more mass would be at a higher temperature because it requires more energy to raise the temperature of a larger mass compared to a smaller mass, given that both pieces have the same average energy of motion.

How does one apple be the same as a newton?

around the same mass

The mass of an apple in pounds?

"Pound" is a unit of force. It's not a unit of mass. The mass of an apple depends on the individual apple. If it weighs, say, 8 ounces on Earth, then its mass is 0.5 poundmass, or 0.015625 slug.

How does the mass of a jigsaw puzzle compare when the pieces are together and when they are separated?

No because when they were in the box they were all together when you placed them together they're all together