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No. If you are dividing the number that is getting divided in in the brackets.

ex. 3 divided by four is (3)4

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Q: When you divide does the bigger number always go on the inside of the bracket?
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Use a period inside the bracket to indicate the sentence inside is ending. Use a period outside of the bracket to indicate that the entire sentence (before the bracketed sentence) has ended.

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Look for something which you can divide both terms by. In this case both 3x and 15 are divisible by 3, so put this outside of a bracket and write the two terms divided by the common factor inside the bracket. So the answer is 3(x+5).

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Inside if the sentence inside the brackets is a question.

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Yes inside and divide rhyme because of the ide ending

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Use parentheses, then brackets, then parentheses, then brackets, and so on. Word (word [word], word [word (word)])

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Plate or bracket

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Square brackets are used inside regular parentheses, in a sentence.

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