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Q: When you have two negative sights next to each other does it make the number Positive?
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When you add a negative number by a negative number do you get a negative or positive number?

You get a positive number because a negative number reverses the other negative so it becomes a positive number.

When dividing negative number by a positive number what is the results?

A negative number divided by a positive number will be a negative number. For example: -20 / 4 = -5 -100 / 2 = -50 Here are the other cases of division by positive or negative numbers. A negative number divided by a negative number would be a positive number. A positive number divided by a positive number would be a positive number. A positive number divided by a negative number would be a negative number.

Does a positive time a positive equal a positive?

A positive number multiplied by another positive number yields a positive number. A negative number multiplied by another negative number also yields a positive number. Only multiplying a negative number by a positive number (or the other way around) yields a negative number as the product.

What does a positive times a positive equal?

A positive number multiplied by another positive number yields a positive number. A negative number multiplied by another negative number also yields a positive number. Only multiplying a negative number by a positive number (or the other way around) yields a negative number as the product.

Can positive and negative make a negative?

Yes, if you are adding 2 numbers together and the value of the negative number is larger than the value of the positive number. Yes, if you are multiplying a positive and a negative number together. Yes, if you are dividing a positive and a negative number by each other.

What does a positive times a positive times a negative equal?

A negative times a positive is a negative.

How do you multiple and divide positive and negative integers?

multiplying and dividing a negative number will "flip" the sign of the other number. So multiplying two negative numbers will produce a positive number. Multiplying one positive and one negative number will produce a negative. And of course two positive numbers yield a positive.

How would you divide a negative number by a positive number?

Divide like normal. When dividing, if one number is negative and the other number is positive, the answer is negative. So the answer would be negative. For example, -24/8 = -3.

How is a negative integer less then any positive integer?

Because positive numbers are to the right of negative numbers on the number line. If you have two numbers, one the negative of the other, and you add the positive to the negative, you get zero. If you add the positive to zero, you get a positive number. So positive numbers are an increase from zero, which is an increase from negative numbers. A negative number may have a greater absolute value than a positive number, but it will always be less than a positive number.

Is the product of -1 and any number always negative?

No. If the other number is negative, then the product is positive.

What two numbers a negative and positive multiply to 72 and add up to -17?

A negative and a positive number will multiply to a negative number. Other than that, -9 and -8 will satisfy your conditions.

What is the rule for adding a positive and negative number?

Adding a positive and negative number, the sum will always be negative. Example: 10+-20=-10 If you add two negatives, they cancel each other out making it positive.