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Q: When you make a circle smaller what number in the standard equation for a circle centered at the origin decreases?
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When you make the circle smaller which number in the standard equation for a circle centered at the origin decreases?

The radius of the circle decreases when you make the circle smaller.

When you make the circle bigger or smaller which number of thte standard equation for a circle centered at the origin changes?

The Radius

When you make the circle bigger or smaller which number of the standard equation for a circle centered at the origin changes?

Standard equation for a circle centred at the origin is x2 + y2 = r2 where r is the radius of the circle. If you increase the size of the circle then the radius must increase, so r2 will be larger. eg a circle of radius 2 has the equation x2 + y2 = 4, if the radius increases to 3 then the equation becomes x2 + y2 = 9

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decreases means gets smaller so if you read the question again but with "gets smaller" in the place of decreases then it will answer its self.

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The logarithmic function is one such.

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Inertia decreases as mass gets smaller. Inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its state of motion, and is directly proportional to mass. As mass decreases, so does the inertia of the object.

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Probably not. as guns become smaller and lighter, the accuracy decreases, and recoil increases.

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increases. There is an inverse relationship between wavelength and frequency in a wave, known as the wave speed equation: wave speed = frequency x wavelength. When the wavelength decreases, the frequency must increase to maintain a constant wave speed.

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The volume decreases (smaller,less)

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It decreases.

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The absolute value of the number will be smaller

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