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No it will be negative.


If you convert 100 to scientific notation you have to move the decimal point 2 places to the left. 100 --> 1.00 (this, by the way. is called the mantissa) so the power of ten is 102. When you move the decimal point to the left, the exponent will be positive. 100 = 1.00 x 102.

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Q: When you move the decimal place to the left to convert a number to scientific notation will the power of ten be positive?
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The term is written as: 5000.0 After 3 zeroes, there is a decimal place. To convert 5000 into scientific notation, move 3 decimal places to the left and include the base 10 to ³ to get: 5.0 x 10³ This is how you do the conversion of the scientific notation.

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Scientific notation is a way to express either a very large, or a very small number.10x5.34 is an example of scientific notation. So, move the decimal point to the right (since there is a positive exponent). It then becomes 53,000.If there is a negative exponent, move the decimal point to the left instead of the right. 10x4.6-3 would become 0.0046.

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Yes - you can always convert numbers to scientific notation - whether they're whole numbers, or decimals.

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It always helps to write the number fully out to convert to scientific notation. 13.7 billion is the same as 137,000,000,000. When we move our decimal point to make it 1.37 x 10 - we moved 11 spots to the left (positive) so our scientific notation would be: 1.37 x 1011

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5 in scientific notation would be 5 x 100. This is because you wouldn't have to move the decimal. With 101, you would have to move the decimal to the left two places in order to convert it to scientific notation. It would be 1.01 x 102.

How do you convert 1000000 into scientific notation?

To convert 1000000 into scientific notation, move the decimal point to the left until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. In this case, the decimal point would be moved six places to the left. Thus, 1000000 in scientific notation is written as 1.0 x 10^6.

How do you convert numbers from scientific notation to real?

Scientific notation is real.To convert a number in scientific notation to normal form: · If b is positive, move the decimal point b places to the right in the number a – adding 0s at the end of the number, if required. · If b is negative, move the decimal point b places to the left in the number a – adding 0s immediately after the decimal point, if required. · The final expression has the same sign (+ or -) as a in the scientific form. For example: 4.56*10^5 = 456000. -4.56*10^5 = -456000. 4.56*10^-5 = 0.0000456