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Whether a number is negative or positive makes no difference.

In its full form, the cubed number will have three times as many digits after the decimal point. This assumes that none are lost through rounding.

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Q: When you multiply a negative cubed number what way do you move the decimal?
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What is the cube of a number?

A cube of a number is when you multiply it by itself twice. Eg) 2 cubed = 2x2x2=8

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Multiply for example: a*a*a = a^3 3*3*3 =27 which equals =3^3

What does 4 cubed mean?

It means that whatever number comes before the "4 Cubed", then you multiply that number four times by itself. Ex. 4^4=4x4x4x4=256

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What number is 7 cubed?

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How do you cube a digit?

multiply it by itself and then multiply that by the original number. example: 2 cubed. 2*2=4 4*2=8

What cubed number equals negative 2?

minus the cube root of 2, or about -1.26

What do you mean if a number is cubed?

When a number is cubed, such as 3, that means you multiply it by itself 3 times. Example: 3 cubed = 3x3x3 = 27 It means that when you have a number ex 2 you times it to the power of 3 so 2x2x2=8 because 2x2=4x2=8. Cool.