if the answer is a three digit answer then make sure there is two numbers on the left and one on the right of the decimal pointthe decimal point will remain in the answer given eg 2.2 * 8 = 17.6
Fraction refers to the amount to the right of the decimal point (amounts of less than 1), so if you multiply any (positive) number by a fraction its value will be reduced.
When multiplying a whole number by a decimal with two places, ignore the decimal point and multiply as if you were multiplying two whole numbers. After you get the answer, re-insert the decimal point so that the product has two decimal places.
When multiplying a whole number by a decimal with two places, ignore the decimal point and multiply as if you were multiplying two whole numbers. After you get the answer, re-insert the decimal point so that the product has two decimal places.
Move the decimal point two spaces to the right.
It moves three places to the right.
if the answer is a three digit answer then make sure there is two numbers on the left and one on the right of the decimal pointthe decimal point will remain in the answer given eg 2.2 * 8 = 17.6
Three. Count number of zeros. If multiply decimal by 100 move decimal point 2 places, etc.
Fraction refers to the amount to the right of the decimal point (amounts of less than 1), so if you multiply any (positive) number by a fraction its value will be reduced.
You multiply by 10 (Add a zero)
When multiplying a whole number by a decimal with two places, ignore the decimal point and multiply as if you were multiplying two whole numbers. After you get the answer, re-insert the decimal point so that the product has two decimal places.
When multiplying a whole number by a decimal with two places, ignore the decimal point and multiply as if you were multiplying two whole numbers. After you get the answer, re-insert the decimal point so that the product has two decimal places.
Move the decimal point one place to the right. If the decimal point is already at the end of the number, add a 0 to the extreme right before moving the decimal point.
Move the decimal point two spaces to the right.
Multiply it by 100. This moves the decimal point so that your answer is no longer in decimal form :)
Ignore the decimal point, multiply, count the places to the right of the decimal point, then count the same number from left to right in the answer,( after you add if nessicary) And put the decimal there. There's your answer. Example: 5 x 0.2 = 1.0 unusually, the number gets smaller after you add the decimal point.