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When you multiply two numbers, it is called the product.

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Q: What is the result called when you multiply two numbers?
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When you multiply two numbers what do you call the two numbers that you multiply?

The two (or more) numbers that you multiply are called factors. (The result of the multiplication is called the product.)

Is this true when you multiply two numbers the result vis called factor?

the PRODUCT is the result when you multiply two numbers.

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If you multiply two irrational numbers, the result can be rational, or irrational.

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You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.

When you multiply two fractions the answer is called the?

When you multiply any two numbers, the answer is their product.

When you multiply two fractions what is the answer called?

When you multiply any two numbers, the answer is their product.

The two numbers you multiply are called?

They can be called the factors.

What does product mean in math wise?

The product is the answer you get when you multiply two numbers. The two numbers are called factors. The number the factors make when you multiply them is called the product

When you mutilpy two numbers the outcome is?

When you multiply two numbers the outcome is called the product.

Does qoutient mean multiply?

No. Quotient does not mean multiply. When you divide two numbers, the result which comes is quotient.

When you divide two numbers the result is called?

The result is called the quotient.

What can you conclude about multiplication with negative numbers?

If you multiply a negative number with a positive number, the result will be negative. If you multiply two negatives, the result will be positive.