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A small number at the upper left of a radical sign means, what root you want to take. If there is no number, the number "2" is assumed (square root), meaning, "What number must I reais to the power 2, to get the number in the radical sign?" For example, the square root (or 2nd. root) of 100 is 10, since 10 to the power 2 = 100. As another example, the cubic root (3rd. root) of 125 is 5, since 5 to the power 3 = 125.

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Q: When you see a number pressed up against a radical what does it mean?
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What does it mean when you see a number pressed up against a radical?

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If by "radical" you mean "square root of", then yes. Both square roots of 25 are real numbers.

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yes. I'm assuming u mean something like 2 * sq. root of 3 as a mixed radical. if u want to change it to an entire radical, using the number i stated above, just square the number outside the radical, so 4, and multiply it by the number already in under the radical. u will then get rad 12 which is exactly the same as 2 rad 3. if the rad is not a square, but like finding a cube root, or 4th root, just do the same except to that power, so instead of 2 squared, it will be 2 cubed, 2 to the 4th power and then multiplied by the number under the rad.

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If, by "3 radical 27" you mean the cuberoot of 27, the answer is YES. If you mean 3 times sqrt(27), the answer is NO.

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if you mean what is square root of 200 in its simplest radical form its 10*21/2