It is: 1 times 211 = 211 which is also a prime number
Yes, 210 and 211 are relatively prime. Any numbers whose difference is 1 will only have 1 as a common factor, so they will be relatively prime.
211, since 211 is the only prime number between 200 and 215.
Just 211.
209, 211 and any prime number.
211 is the only of the given numbers that is prime.
1 and 211. 211 is prime.
Yes and it is 211
It is: 1 times 211 = 211 which is also a prime number
It is a prime number so the only factors are 1 and 211.
Well, honey, 1 times 211 equals 211. But if you're feeling adventurous, you could also do 211 times 1. Either way, you'll end up with the same answer. Math can be a wild ride, can't it?
Yes, 210 and 211 are relatively prime. Any numbers whose difference is 1 will only have 1 as a common factor, so they will be relatively prime.
211, since 211 is the only prime number between 200 and 215.
Just 211.
209, 211 and any prime number.
The prime numbers after 200 are infinite. The next prime number after 200 is 211.