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Q: When you weather the crayon were the shavings the same size or shape as before?
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Does a crayon have a definite shape?

A crayon has a definite shape.

What do you do with diamond shavings after you facet them?

Waste from diamond cutting is collected and used to shape and polish other diamonds.

How do you make paint with crayons?

this is how 1 you put glue in a bow (or plate ) that you don't use 2 then you add a crayon (what ever color) 3 then you will see that the glue is turning the color of the crayon that's how you make paint with a crayon

What is weather erosion?

Weather erosion is the process by which rocks and soil are gradually broken down and transported by natural forces such as wind, water, and ice. This can lead to the formation of valleys, canyons, and other landforms over long periods of time. Weather erosion is a natural process that helps shape the Earth's surface.

Glaciers weather and water shape Earth by .?

Glaciers shape Earth by eroding rocks and forming valleys, lakes, and fjords through the process of glaciation. The ice movement, melting, and refreezing of glaciers contribute to the shaping of landscapes and the redistribution of sediments. Additionally, the water released from melting glaciers can create rivers, provide freshwater sources, and contribute to changes in the Earth's hydrological cycle.

How do you make crayon shaped paper mache?

I would use a paper towel tube. I would make a cone shape with a piece of cardboard (maybe from a cereal box). This cone would be on top to make the tip of the crayon. Paper Mache over it and then decorate. i would by some card stock to make a crayon wrapper (and probably print out a crayola logo for the wrapper) Mod Podge would be good to use on the label.

What does the symbol on the weather map tell about an air mass?

shape and mass

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What is the word for the term weather or not a meatal can be pounded dowm into another shape?

The word you are looking for is malleability, which refers to the property of a metal that allows it to be hammered or pressed into a different shape without breaking.

What objects are shaped like triangular prism?

some decorative household items, roofs on some houses, pyramids, pencil points, tent, and crayon points are in the shape of triangular prisms

What is a crayon made out of?

Crayons are made from paraffin which is a type of wax, and color pigments. Paraffin is made from extracting chemicals from wood, coal or petroleum. Pigments come from natural or artificial made substances which means they can be found in the Earth, minerals and/or made in factories.

What type of information is there on a weather vane?

The weather vane originated in Athens, Greece, as a symbol of Christianity on the rooftops of churches. The original weather vane was always in the shape of a rooster but now there are many varieties.