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Q: Where are current actuarial tables?
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What is actuarial basis?

An actuarial basis is a calculated risk based on standard tables. For example, a life insurance premium is calculated on an actuarial basis depending on the persons age, sex, etc and their life expectancy.

What is a person call that accepts risks in life insurance?

An Underwriter takes the risk that you won't die young. This is worked out by Actuary's making Actuarial tables of usual lifespans.

How much do actuarial scientist earn?

How much do Actuarial Scientist earn?

When was Casualty Actuarial Society created?

Casualty Actuarial Society was created in 1914.

When was Croatian Actuarial Association created?

Croatian Actuarial Association was created in 1996.

When was Actuarial Society of the Netherlands created?

Actuarial Society of the Netherlands was created in 1888.

How do you get an entry level actuarial job?

You need to get a degree in Math, Statistics, or Actuarial Science. Then you need to pass (>=) an actuarial exam. Then you apply, interview and hopefully get a job.

Where can I find a good actuarial consultant?

I use this site to hire actuarial consultants for my business.

How are reverse mortgages calculated?

HUD uses actuarial tables based on age and zip code to determine. The equation is quite complex but the older the borrower, the greater percent of their home's equity is available to them. Minimum age is 62, no max age. Current calculations indicate max LTV is in 75% range for 90+ year old.

Do you have to have a degree to apply for actuarial jobs?

Most actuarial job postings require applicants to have at least a bachelor's degree, preferably in the areas of actuarial science, math, statistics, economics, business or finance.

Why is travel insurance dearer for people over 65?

Travel insurance prices are based on actuarial tables which show that as you get older, you are more likely to file a claim based on some kind of health concern. Thus the prices are higher.

What can you do with current magazine you no longer want?

you can use them for the dusting of your glass tables.