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yes in 1973

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Q: Where are parallel planes used in real life?
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Related questions

How are parallel lines and parallel planes used in architecture?

parallel lines are used in the white house. The columns holding it up are parallel lines and the floor and the roof of a room are parallel planes as long as they are the same shape

How are parallel lines used in real life?

Most houses are built with walls parallel to each other.

When are scale drawings used in real life?

When designing any large objects or structures, such as buildings, planes, bridges etc.

What can coordanite grids be used for in real life?

Using coordinate planes in real life is a useful skill for mapping an area, conducting experiments or even planning for everyday needs like arranging furniture in a room.

How is pi used in real life?

Here is a few places where it can be used: Drawings , machinery, plans, planes, buildings, bridges, geometry problems, estimation, testing, space science, architecture, and engineering

What are the Application of merge sort in real life?

It is used in tape drives to sort data - its good with parallel processing, which is why it is used there.

Are proportions used in real life?

Proportions are used in real life to determine prices of things.

Why do you need coordinate planes?

They are used to map points on a graph and are used to make real maps as well as graph probabilities and distances.

How are opposites and reciprocals used in real life situations?

Believe it or not, school is a real life situation. If you are using it in school it real life for you.

What are the Example of vectors used in everyday life?

flying planes, driving, measuring temperature, sailing

For what reason might an engineer need to create auxiliary view of an object?

Because an auxillary view is used to show a surface that is not parallel to any of the principal view planes.

Where trigonometric used in real life?

If you are in school and are studying trig then you are using trig in real life.