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Q: Where can you get a laptop for under 150 dollars?
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What is the best PC laptop I can get online for 930 dollars or under?

Yes, you can buy a good laptop under 930 dollars. I have found a laptop for you

Whats the best cheapest laptop under 150?

Some of the cheapest laptops under $150 are Dell D600 Laptop and WolVol Cheap Mini Laptop Computer.

Where can you find a laptop for sale for under 150 pounds?


Is there a laptop for 6 cents?

The very cheapest laptop is somewhere between 150 and 200 dollars. That is the laptop of the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) foundation; and perhaps other laptops built by similar organizations, for educational purposes. Of course, somebody may give you a special price on a used and old laptop, but new laptops will cost at least 150 dollars; several hundred dollars for a more powerful model.

What is a cheap under 420 dollars but decent laptop?

HP pavilion.

Can you buy a dual laptop case for under 100?

Yes, you can find a dual laptop case for under one hundred dollars. There are several local stores that sell them starting around seventy-five dollars.

Where is the best place to look for a cheap laptop under 100 dollars?

There is no laptop worth buying under 100 dollars. A cheap laptop is considered $500 and under. If you want something really cheap, try an Acer Aspire One for a netbook. Otherwise, try Toshiba. They have reasonable laptops for about $350

You have 85 dollars you need to buy a laptop Could someone find a GOOD laptop that you can buy?

nope you cant get a good laptap under 85 dollars soz but a 500 dollar laptop is very decent.

What is the best laptop I can purchase under six hundred dollars?

For under six-hundred dollars, one of the best brands would be the HP Pavilion computers. The best laptop for under six-hundred is the "Pavilion g6t series" which has 500 GB memory and up to 4GB of RAM. This laptop had Windows 7 OS and has Intel Pentium Processing.

How many nickels are in 150?

The answer will depend on 150 WHAT! 150 pennies, dollars, millions?The answer will depend on 150 WHAT! 150 pennies, dollars, millions?The answer will depend on 150 WHAT! 150 pennies, dollars, millions?The answer will depend on 150 WHAT! 150 pennies, dollars, millions?

What is the best video card for under 150 dollars?

sapphire ati hd 6770

What can i get for Christmas Im a teen girl but it has to be under 150 . Help I have no idea what i want?

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