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Q: Where did Pythagoras acquire his knowledge?
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Who was the astronomerwho taught Pythagoras?

Thales was one of Pythagoras's mentors and he had a good deal of astronomical knowledge, so it was most likely him.

What is their view of education?

to acquire general knowledge

To get knowledge in something or to acquire skill in?

To learn.

What mathematics knowledge did Pythagoras discover?

Pythagoras discovered that for any right angle triangle its hypotenuse when squared is equal to the sum of its squared sides.

How did people have knowledge?

By reading people can acquire knowldege

What is the past participle of acquire?

The past participle of acquire is acquired. Ex: She acquired a new wealth of knowledge on WikiAnswers

What additional knowledge and experience you would like to acquire?

what is your knowledge and experience assisting indigent persons

How do humans acquire knowledge?

Humans acquire knowledge through various means such as personal experience, education, observation, and communication with others. This knowledge is then processed and stored in the brain for future use and application in different situations.

How did Vesalius's acquire more accurate knowledge about human anatomy?

Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) dissected human bodies in order to acquire anatomical knowledge, Also he once stole a body from the gallows in Brussels in order to acquire a complete human skeleton.

How do scientists use the Scientific Method to acquire new knowledge?

Scientists use the Scientific Method to acquire new knowledge by experimenting, observing, and recording. It is the basic order of gaining new information.

What is the history of the Pythagorean theorem?

While the theorem is attributed to Pythagoras, there is reason to believe it was known much earlier. For example, megalithic sites that predate Pythagoras seem to have applied this knowledge.

Who coin the term philosophy?

I heard that Pythagoras coined the term "Philosophy" which means "Love for Knowledge".