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Q: Did Pythagoras steal his formula from the babylonians?
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What is an intereseting fact about Pythagoras?

Firstly, you spelt interesting wrong Nonetheless one INTERESTING fact that some believe that Pythagoras stole his formula from the babylonians who stole it from the Indians.

Where was the pythagoren theorem created?

Credit is given to the Greek mathematician Pythagoras but the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians knew of the properties of a right angle triangle long before Pythagoras

Who invented the distance formula?

Pythagoras invented the distance formula

Did Pythagoras discover the formula for finding the hypnotenuse of a triangle?

Yes, it's called Pythagoras theorem

When a rectangular park measures 300ft by 400ft a side walk runs diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner find the length of the side walk?

Use the Pythagoras formula. In this case, squareroot(3002 + 4002) = 500.Use the Pythagoras formula. In this case, squareroot(3002 + 4002) = 500.Use the Pythagoras formula. In this case, squareroot(3002 + 4002) = 500.Use the Pythagoras formula. In this case, squareroot(3002 + 4002) = 500.

Who developed the formula for the right triangle?

Arturo Pythagoras

Why did Pythagoras name his formula Pythagorean Theorem?

He didn't name it. It is named after Pythagoras because he first developed the theorem.

Was Pythagoras the first to discover Pythagoras' therem?

The Pythagorean Theorem derived its named from Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician who is credited for the formula. However, a recent study showed that ancient cultures have already proved the formula long before any of the Greeks did.

What is Pythagoras best remembered for?

Pythagoras is most famous for discovering Pythagoras' Theorem, which is a formula for finding lengths of sides on a right angled triangle. The formula is: a2+b2= c2 where c is the hypotenuse (longest side of the triangle) and a and b are the shorter sides.

How old is Pythagoras' theorem?

Although t is known as Pythagoras' theorem and thus about 2500-2600 years old, considering Pythagoras lived between 5th and 6th century BC, it was known before this. There is evidence that the Babylonians of 20th to 16th century BC (some 1000 years before Pythagoras) knew it, making it about 3600-4000 years old.

What is the name of the theorem on which the distance formula is based?

Pythagoras' theorem :)

Who discovered a mathematical formula to relate the sides of a right triangle?
