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Q: Where did Pythagoras discover the earth was round?
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Did Pythagoras discover the earth is round?

Although nobody knows for sure who first made the discovery that the earth is round, Pythagoras is indeed regarded as being the first recorded person to make the claim that the earth is round.

Who stated the earth was round?

Pythagoras stated the earth was round

Did the Guptas figured out the earth was round by observing lunar eclipses?

No, the Gupta Empire did not discover that the Earth was round by observing lunar eclipses. The concept that the Earth is round was already known in ancient times by Greek scholars like Pythagoras and Aristotle, long before the Gupta period.

Did nicolaus Copernicus discover the earth was round?

Yes. Contrary to popular belief, by the time of Copernicus scholars knew Earth to be round.

Who was the first person to give ideas that the earth was round?

Pythagoras theory in 500 BC stated the earth was round.

Who discover the earth round?

Corey Adam Boucher did.

Who concluded the earth was round?

It is uncertain but variously ascribed to Pythagoras, Parmenides and Empedocles by their later promoters.

What did Johannes kelper discover?

that the earth went round the sun

What did Pythagoras discover about the stars?


Who first said that the earth was round?

The concept of a spherical Earth dates back to ancient Greek scholars, around the 6th century BC. Philosophers like Pythagoras and later Aristotle provided evidence for a round Earth through observations of celestial bodies and the shape of Earth's shadow during lunar eclipses.

Who discover that the earth is round?

Mujhe kya pata yara ...:P

Which greek scientist concluded that Earth was round?

The Greek scientist who concluded that Earth was round was Pythagoras, around the 6th century BC. He based his conclusion on observations of the stars and their positions in the sky.