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The word square can be used as a noun or a verb.

square (n.)c.1300, "tool for measuring right angles," from O.Fr. esquire "a square, squareness," from V.L. *exquadra, from *exquadrare "to square," from L. ex- "out" + quadrare "make square," from quadrus "a square," from quattuor "four" (see quart). Meaning "rectangular shape or area" is first recorded before 1382; replaced O.E. feower-scyte. Sense of "open space in a town or park" is from 1687. The mathematical sense of "a number multiplied by itself" is first recorded 1557. The verb is first attested 1382; with ref. to accounts, from 1815.

square (adj.)c.1300, "containing four equal sides and right angles," from square (n.). Meaning "honest, fair," is first attested 1564; that of "straight, direct" is from 1804. Sense of "old-fashioned" is 1944, U.S. jazz slang, said to be from shape of a conductor's hand gestures in a regular four-beat rhythm. (Square-toes meant nearly the same thing in 1771, from a style of shoes then fallen from fashion.) Squaresville is attested from 1956. Square one "the beginning" is first recorded 1960, probably from Board Games; square dance first attested 1870.

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