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Monsoon seasons occur every year in Southern Asia, especially in the Southeast. Monsoons bring heavy rains necessary for the cultivation of rice and other foodstuffs.

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Q: Where do monsoons occur very often?
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How often do monsoons occur?

they never occur they arent real. the government lied to you. dont listen to them

Why do monsoons occur in Arizona but no?

Monsoons don't occur in AZ. It is located in a desert and a monsoons happen in tropical areas.

When do monsoons occur?

June --> September

When was the northeast monsoons occur?

October to November

Do monsoons still occur today?


Where do Monsoons usually Occur?

monsoons usually occur in Asia, India, some parts of Africa, and North America

When does Asia's wet season occur?

monsoons in the heavy summer

Where are the monsoons in the US?

The monsoons in the US primarily affect the Southwest region, particularly Arizona and New Mexico. These monsoons typically occur during the summer months and bring heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, and flash flooding to the area.

What would happen to India if monsoons dont occur?

the land would dry crops would die and india would very hot in tempuature.

What part of the world do monsoon often occur?

Monsoons often occur in South and Southeast Asia, including countries such as India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. These regions experience seasonal shifts in wind patterns that bring heavy rainfall during the monsoon season.

How common are monsoons?

very common

What are the countries that have monsoons?

Countries that experience monsoons include India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, and parts of China. Monsoons also occur in some regions of Africa, Australia, and the Americas.