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Q: Where does the Hydrophobia occur most often?
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What condition does hydrophobia describe?

hydrophobia can describe foaming to the mouth today there is a cure if u take ur animal or a person to the doctor soon most of the time you cant tell they have rabies until its to late death may occur

Where is hydrophobia most prvalent?


Where is this disease most prevalent hydrophobia?

In Canada

What cures hydrophobia?

Hydrophobia as in rabies? There's no cure for it. As for hydrophobia as in not wanting to get into the water, if the animal responds well to rewards, you could try that. Punishments will only traumatise further.

Do animals get hydrophobia?

Yes, animals do have hydrophobia.

What is another word for Rabies?


What is another name for hydrophobia?

Hydrophobia is fear of water

Is Hydrophobia is the term of rabies?

No. Hydrophobia is one of the symptoms of rabies.

What part of speech is hydrophobia?

Hydrophobia (the fear of water) is a noun.

What is a sentence with the word hydrophobia in it?

Oh, dude, hydrophobia is like the fear of water, right? So, I could say, "I developed a sudden case of hydrophobia when I saw a spider in the sink while doing the dishes." But seriously, who wouldn't freak out if they saw a spider in the sink?

Where do droughts often occur?

You can find them most often in the Sahel Desert in Africa.

Where do earthqukes occur most often?

near the boundaries