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Q: Where do you draw the line between acceptable business practices and unacceptable working conditions?
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Why study business ethics?

So that you know what is socially acceptable and unacceptable in corporate America.

Why do business conduct operations in a third world country and disregard any standards of pollution?

less environmental restriction unacceptable products in 1st world countries are acceptable in 3rd world

What does kashrut apply for other than food?

The word "Kashrut" itself is usually used only in connection with food. But the general concept of acceptable or unacceptable things, comparable to that of kosher or non-kosher food, applies to many areas. Examples: modest or immodest clothing, ethical or unethical business practices, cordial or rude behavior, etc.

What are the unethical business practices in China?

Child labor, wage and hour issues, and poor working conditions, to name a few.

What was john d Rockefeller ethical business practices?

John D. Rockefeller was known for his ethical business practices that included offering fair wages to employees, providing good working conditions, emphasizing efficiency and innovation in operations, and making significant philanthropic contributions to society. He also believed in standardizing business practices and promoting competition.

What are some of the ways unethical business practices can affect a business?

Unethical business practices can cause a business to lose the respect of other business wanting to do business with said company.

How Business Growth Essentials: Strategies and Best Practices?

Certainly! Here are a few title suggestions related to "Business Growth Essentials: Strategies and Best Practices": Business Growth Essentials: Effective Strategies and Best Practices Key Strategies and Best Practices for Business Growth Essential Strategies and Practices for Accelerating Business Growth Proven Strategies and Best Denmark Number Data Practices for Sustainable Business Growth Business Growth: Essential Strategies and Best Practices for Success Optimizing Business Growth: Strategies and Best Practices Achieving Sustainable Business Growth: Strategies and Best Practices Business Growth Mastery: Strategies and Best Practices Implementing Effective Strategies and Best Practices for Business Growth Navigating Business Growth: Essential Strategies and Best Practices These titles aim to provide insights into essential strategies and best practices that businesses can implement to achieve growth and success in their respective industries.

What types of fabric are most acceptable for business clothing?

Most business suits are made from wool which is acceptable for business clothing. Cotton is also acceptable although it is often not the fabric, but the fit, pattern and color of clothing that can make it business appropriate or not.

Is it ever acceptable for a business to check an employee's criminal history?

It is always acceptable for a business to check an employee's criminal history.

How does ozone effect business practices?

Ozone does affect business practices. As ozone is depleting, the business of CFC's is going down.

When is it unacceptable for a mother to breastfeed?

In some cases, a mother should not breastfeed for medical reasons. Some consider it to be unacceptable for mothers to breastfeed in public, though if breastfeeding is done in a modest manner, that does not mean the mother should not breastfeed at all in public. Some times it would not be acceptable is during business meetings or while at work, during social occasions when the mother is the center of attention, etc.

What are the negative impact of outsourcing?

Outsourcing can have an effect on how businesses define fair labor practices. We know that the driving factor of outsourcing is cost efficiency and this can lead to sweat shops and slave labor wages. Outsourcing can induce unethical business practices that are not acceptable in the country where these businesses were built.