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Q: Where do you find hk-47 in kotor2?
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You can't legitimately get Revan as a party member.

Can you play kotor2 on a mac?

Yes through boot camp or virtual machine.

What star wars games can you have the mandalorian armor accept for kotor?

kotor2 and kotor1 that is it .

Can you get a lightsaber in peragaus in kotor2?

yes.... but you need to mod the game slightly i suggest you go to this site:

How do you be Darth Vader in kotor2?

Download a mod which is only for PC version search it up on google: Darth Vader Skin or Darth Vader Mod Kotor 2

Can you get reven's robe and mask in kotor2?

I do not believe so, considering the game was made by different companies and you never really see Revan in the game, nor his/her's mask, so I assume they left it out. With game mods, sure you can get them.

How do you upload all kotor 2 mods on PC?

in the kotor 2 file, just create a new folder called Override, make it here..this is where it is at on mine anyways: Computer>Program Files>LucasArts>Kotor2>Override

Where can you find cheats for Star Wars knights of the old republic 2 sith lords?

If you don't want to risk screwing up the game a little, there aren't too many cheats. If you want to take the risk (small), then just use Google! Here is a address to start you off;cheats Good luck If you don't want to risk screwing up the game a little, there aren't too many cheats. If you want to take the risk (small), then just use Google! Here is a address to start you off;cheats Good luck

How did Darth nihilus get his face removed?

Lord Darth Nihilus (according to "The Record of Sith dignities") did not have his face "removed". His species is Noalark, the sith species other than Maraluka. Nihilus's face is still there but, it is not of Human features. the black behind his mask is a Royal Face Cloak from the Royal Family he was born from. And the mask was made after the Jedi Civil War. The mask was constructed after Malak and Revan fought and both died. After appearing from hiding, Nihilus went to Malachor 5 and took Revan's skull (Revan was the "all-mighty sith back then) and constructed a mask from it (now Nihilus's "face") a few years later he under-took an Apprentice named Visas-Marr, a maraluka, after feeding on her planet. ("The Maraluka world" as Kreia put's it in Kotor2, was the world that the jedi went to meet on the feeling of the "hole in the force"). I'n Kotor1 and Kotor2 you can see Nihilus making this Mask. In Kotor2 when you defeat Nihilus, you can take his mask and then go back to Revan's Tomb and revive Revan (Mod). Sincerely, Lord Darth Nihilus :3

Where can you find the jedi master on Nar Shadda in kotor2?

Well Nar Shadda isn't the easy planet but he comes too you more or less when you get the Exchange's attention. Then once you go through the Exchange's hideout you should find him...though GO-TO captures you and takes you to his ship, then you complete that and then you go back to Nar Shadda to speak with him. This one is very time consuming... Well Nar Shadda isn't the easy planet but he comes too you more or less when you get the Exchange's attention. Then once you go through the Exchange's hideout you should find him...though GO-TO captures you and takes you to his ship, then you complete that and then you go back to Nar Shadda to speak with him. This one is very time consuming...

Who is Better Darth Revan or Darth Sion?

It is subjective as both Darth Revan and Darth Sion are powerful Sith Lords in the Star Wars universe with distinct strengths and abilities. Revan is known for his strategic brilliance and mastery of both the light and dark sides of the Force, while Sion is characterized by his immortality and unparalleled resilience in combat. Ultimately, their effectiveness would depend on the context and specific circumstances of a given situation.

How do you find inspiration?

when you find your self, you will find inspiration.