

Where do you find hollyhocks?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Where do you find hollyhocks?
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How tall can hollyhocks grow?

Hollyhocks can grow up to 4 ft.

What did nora plant in seedfolks?

Nora planted Hollyhocks, snapdragons, and poppies. :) Hope that helps!

Falling action the sound of the hollyhocks?

In the falling action of "The Sound of the Hollyhocks," the narrator reflects on the memories and emotions associated with the sound of hollyhocks being crushed underfoot. This moment symbolizes the passing of time, growth, and change, as well as the bittersweet nature of nostalgia. It also signifies a shift in the narrative towards resolution and closure.

What did Mr.Myles plant in Seedfolks?

He planted poppies, snap dragons, and hollyhocks.

Should you plant hollyhocks against a wall or something like that?

Hollyhocks do tend to sprawl due to their height, and also are prone to wind damage. Planting near a wall helps to alleviate both of these problems.

Your hollyhocks have a rust colored spots on the leaves What is it and how do you treat it?

The spots are caused by a fungus hollyhock rust ( Puccinia malvaecearum) this is specific to the mallow family of which hollyhocks are a member. It is difficult to treat with fungicides and many gardeners have given up growing them for this reason. If you wish to persist in growing hollyhocks then stringent hygene around the plants is vital. The spores will linger in the soil for a number of years.

How often do you water hollyhocks?

Water hollyhocks deeply once a week, providing about 1-2 inches of water each time. Adjust frequency based on weather conditions and soil moisture levels to prevent overwatering. Ensure the soil has good drainage to prevent root rot.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the perennial flower Hollyhocks?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Alcea rosea.

What is an althea?

An althea is any of a group of plants belonging to the genus Althaea, including the hollyhocks and mallows, which are native to Eurasia.

What has the author Donna Basford Douglas written?

Donna Basford Douglas has written: 'Petunias, hollyhocks, and assorted nuts'

Where would you find a hollyhock?

Hollyhocks are often found in gardens, flowerbeds, or along fences. They thrive in sunny locations with well-drained soil and can grow quite tall, producing colorful blooms in varying shades.

Where might you find hollyhock?

Hollyhocks are commonly found in cottage gardens, along fences, and in sunny borders. They prefer full sun and well-drained soil. They are often grown for their tall stalks of colorful flowers that bloom in the summer.