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A good place to measure is the diameter of the circular end. That gives you

the area of the circular end, and the only other number you need in order

to calculate the cylinder's volume is its straight length.

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Q: Where do you measure the curve of a cylinder to find its volume?
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What is use of graduated cylinder?

A graduated cylinder is used for measuring the Volume of different things such as irregular objects. It uses the unit ml. It has a miniskus FYI that is when you use water and if you look closely you can see it curve at the top. You measure the miniskus a the bottom of the Curve. Also to find the Volume of an irregular object you first measure the water (starting volume) then place the Object in it and you will have your ending volume. then subtrct the difference from the starting volume and the ending and you will have your volume in ml.

How do you find the volume of a bolt?

measure it in a graduated cylinder

What is a meniscus why it necessary to know about it when measuring liquids?

The meniscus is the concave line of liquid that forms in a graduated cylinder (measuring volume) due to that liquid's adhesion (the tendency to want to stick to other things). When measuring a liquid's volume in a graduated cylinder, you read the volume from the bottom of the meniscus. Therefore, the meniscus does not measure anything, it is where you measure a liquid's volume from.

A graduated cylinder used to find what of a liquid?

A graduated cylinder is used to measure the volume of a liquid. It is a cylindrical container marked with volume measurements in milliliters or ounces, allowing for accurate measurement.

Is a graduated cylinder used for?

A graduated cylinder is a usually glass (but some are plastic) quantitative piece of laboratory equipment. Graduated cylinders are used for accurate liquid measurement. To read a graduated cylinder correctly, the volume of liquid contained is measured at the bottom of the meniscus, which is at the top of the liquid, in the exact center of the cylinder, and not at the side where the liquid touches the glass (or plastic).A graduated cylinder, measuring cylinder or mixing cylinder is a piece of laboratory equipment used to measure the volume of a liquidit is used for the precise measurements of liquids.To measure volume of liquids.Pour liquid in the graduated cylinder then find the lower meniscus (lower meniscus's lower curve of liquid's surface) read the volume off the graduations.Measurement of liquids OR a container used to find the volume of an object in Liters.

What type of tool would you use to find the volume of a liquid?

You would use a graduated cylinder to measure the volume of a liquid. Simply pour the liquid into the cylinder and read the volume at the meniscus, the bottom of the curved surface of the liquid.

How do you measure the volume of an object that was NOT a rectangular prism?

One way to measure the volume of an irregular object is to use a graduated cylinder. Fill the cylinder about half-way with water, and measure the volume. Then, place the object in the cylinder and measure the new volume. Subtract the first from the second to find the change in volume of the water. This change in volume is the voume of the object. Unfortunately, this method will not work for all objects as some are to large to fit in a graduated cylinder and some will dissolve in water, but it is very usefull in most situations.

What are the steps to find the volume of a graduated cylinder?

measure each side then multiply the fraction of the denominator

What tool you use to measure volume of solids?

A common tool used to measure the volume of solids is a graduated cylinder or a beaker for regularly shaped solids. For irregularly shaped solids, displacement method using a measuring cylinder and water can be used to find the volume.

How do you use an overflow container to find an object volume?

To find the volume of an object, we use an overflow cylinder as it gives a measure of the volume of the object by displacing an equal amount of water into the beaker.

Is a balance used to measure the volume of a liquid?

no, a balance is used to measure the mass of an object. to find the volume of a liquid, you would put it in a graduated cylinder and see the number it goes up to.

What piece of lab equipment should be used to find the volume of a small stone?

A graduated cylinder would be the appropriate lab equipment to find the volume of a small stone through water displacement method. Fill the graduated cylinder with water, measure the initial volume, add the stone and record the new volume to calculate the stone's volume.