"Foot-lbs" is a unit of energy, whereas "horsepower" is a unit of power,which is the same as the rate of using energy.1 horsepower = 550 foot-pounds per second
Horsepower is a unit of power, but joules is a unit of energy. To convert horsepower to joules, you need an additional time parameter. One horsepower is about 745.7 watts. So a horsepower-hour is 745.7 watt-hours. One watt-hour is 3600 joules. A horsepower-hour is then 745.7 times 3600 = 2684520 joules.
cc (cubic centimeter) is a unit of volume, of the piston or pistons. It can't be directly converted to a unit of power (kW or horsepower), although it is certainly one of the factors that makes an engine more powerful (other things being equal, more cc means more horsepower).
(any unit of force) times (any unit of distance) is a unit of work and energy. (any unit of power) times (any unit of time) is too. newton-meter foot-pound watt-second joule kilowatt-hour BTU calorie horsepower-hour inch-ounce ton-furlong
That simply can't be converted - it doesn't make sense. You are trying to compare units of power with units of mass. If you mean "in 1 ton of fuel", it still doesn't make sense, because (a) the fuel must be specified, and (b) you would be confusing units of power, with units of energy.
Horsepower is abbreviated to hp. It is a unit of measurement that represents the power of an engine.
How many different breeds of horse are there? 102 or 400
Horsepower is not a unit of mass.
You don't, because horsepower is not a metric unit. Horsepower is a unit of work, so the metric equivalent would be the watt. There are several different definitions of horsepower, which work out to somewhere between about 730-750 watts depending on precisely which one you use.
joules & newtons
The definition of horsepower is a unit of power equal to 746 watts. Therefore, a cow has no horsepower.
If the horsepower of your Mercury outboard lower unit is 75 and below, SAE 80W90 Gear Lube is recommended.
No, horsepower is not an SI (International System of Units) unit. It is a unit of power used predominantly in the United States and some other countries to measure the rate at which work is done.
"Foot-lbs" is a unit of energy, whereas "horsepower" is a unit of power,which is the same as the rate of using energy.1 horsepower = 550 foot-pounds per second
Horsepower is a unit of power, but joules is a unit of energy. To convert horsepower to joules, you need an additional time parameter. One horsepower is about 745.7 watts. So a horsepower-hour is 745.7 watt-hours. One watt-hour is 3600 joules. A horsepower-hour is then 745.7 times 3600 = 2684520 joules.