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Because more than two numbers can occur in the data most often

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Q: Why can there there be more than one mode?
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What if you have more than 1 mode?

If you have more than one mode then you have more than one mode! There is nothing strange about that. It is one of the weaknesses of the ode as a statistical measure.

What to do if there is more than one mode?

it is ok if there is less than 2 mode if you have three just leave it there is no mode

How do you find the mode when there s two?

The mode can be more than one number

How do you find the mode if there isn't a most common number?

There can be more than one mode.

What does math mode means?

In any given set, the mode is the number that appears most often. If no number appears more frequently than any other, there is no mode. It is also possible to have more than one mode. Ex. (10, 17, 20, 45, 68) This set has no mode.

What is the mode if the numbers are 8 8 9 9 1 1?

8, 9 and 1. You can have more than one mode.

Can you have more than one career mode in smackdown vs raw 2010 Wii?


What is mode in a data set?

Mode is the most common number in a set of data If there are more than one most common number write them all

What does mood mean in math vocabulary?

I think you might be asking about the mode. In any given set, the mode is the number that appears most often. If no number appears more frequently than any other, there is no mode. It is also possible to have more than one mode. Ex. (10, 17, 20, 45, 68) This set has no mode. The mood is how you feel about math.

In halo3 can you play more than 2 players in campaign with out online?

Unfortunately, you can not play the campaign mode with more than two people on one console.

How do you find a mode if 2 numbers appear the same number of times?

There are two modes. The mode is the only measure of central tendency where you can have no mode (no number appears more than another), one mode, or several modes, such as in your case.

Why does MMS mode cost more than SMS mode?

Much more data is transferred for an MMS, than for a simple SMS (which is just text).