EVERYWHERE ! An integer is any whole number. Therefore you would use integers in something as simple as calculating whether a retailer has given you the correct change or telling the time.
For example, whenever you count.
Counting, checking your bank account what has been deducted, reading a weather report, or even when you check your weight. The integers are positive and negative numbers we use in life.
Page numbers in a book, your phone number and (most) addresses. Any time you count people, places or things. When someone is on the 40 yard line in football, that is an integer. Ever since you learned how to count you used integers, you just didn't use the word "integer".
Anybody who looks at a clock is going to see the numbers 1-12, and on a digital clock the numbers 00 through 59. There are many other integers you will see in daily life. When you look at the weather report you will see integers representing temperature (maybe even negative integers, depending on where you live).
they are used at the groceries store. And as football and golf scores as well.The integers are formed by the natural numbers, (1, 2, 3, ...) their negatives (-1, -2, -3, ...) and 0.You use them in everyday life to express amounts. Examples:-My website got 1000 views today!-I need you to buy 5 lbs of rice.-She invited 50 persons to the party.
they aren't used in real life, not unless you need them in a situation were you would need to use them.
All i know is there are none though the integers can be used logically in daily life .
Integers are used everyday in life. The counting numbers are a subset of the integers and we use them every day. Another name for the counting numbers is the natural numbers. So the positive integers are used to count objects all around us. Now 0 is an integer also and we use it all the time as you might guess. What about the negative integers? We use those when we talk about very cold temperatures. For example, it is -20 is North Dakota and -20 is a negative integer.
Negative numbers can be used for weather, when we talk about temperature that is below zero.
Every time you count things, you recite a list of integers.
in golf u use integers hahahahahah oh yeahh
For example, whenever you count.
in the temparatue we use it
Here are some examples of where we use integers in real life:-To keep track of inventory in a supermarketCounting how many pages are in a bookNumbering collections of objectsA clock uses integersIn recipes you use integers to find out how much of one ingredient is used in a recipes. For example 2 eggs, 1tsp of vanilla essence and 1tsp of water.
Counting, checking your bank account what has been deducted, reading a weather report, or even when you check your weight. The integers are positive and negative numbers we use in life.
I don't know much about your daily life. But if you evercount anything, then you use integers to do it.