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Q: Where is a place you might see a rhombus?
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Is is true that a square might or might not be a rhombus?


Is rhombus a place in a house?


How a quadrilateral could be classified as a rhombus but not as a square?

If it's a rhombus and not a square. I fail to see the difficulty here. Every square is a rhombus, but not every rhombus is a square.

Why arent rhombuses rectangles?

A rectangle has right angles, a rhombus may not. A rhombus has 4 equal sides, a rectangle might not, if it does it is a square,

How is a square a rhombus?

4 equal sidesturn the square so it's on one of its corners then you'll see it's a rhombus.

What is a quadrilateral with 2 acute angles?

it might be a parallelogram or rhombus or diamond

What is a diamond called in maths?

A rhombus. A rhombus. A rhombus. A rhombus.

Is a rhombus a a parallelogram with all equal angles?

No. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all equal sides. A parallelogram with all equal angles is a rectangle (which might also be a rhombus and a square).

How many edges and faces does a Rhombus have?

A rhombus has 1 face (its a 2D shape) and has 4 edges. Its just a square pushed out of place. Hope this helps x

Name a place you might see a balcony?

Hotel ,house/apartment, theatre

Where is a place were you might see a lion?

You find them on the South East around there in Africa!

When is a rhrombus a square?

A rhombus is a square slanted, if it wasnt a square then it wouldn't be a rhombus, if you have a look at a rhombus and a square but together, you can see the difference and if this is for homework get someone at home to help you out or research it yahoo answers or ask your mates thanks x