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Q: Where is more than two-thirds od earths freshwater stored?
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Do lakes and streams hold more than two thirds of earths freshwater?

oceans freshwater and lakes and streams cover 2/3 of earth

Would a boat floating in a sea have more or less upthrust than the same in freshwater?

Assuming its weight hasn't changed, then as it is floating, the upthrust on it equals its weight and so is the same. What WILL change, however, is how deep in the water it floats. The upthrust is provided by the weight of the displaced volume of water, the volume of which depends upon the density of the water which depends upon the temperature and saltiness (amongst other things) of the water. As freshwater is less dense than [briny] sea water, it will require more volume for the same weight and so the ship will float deeper in freshwater than in [briny] sea water. This can be seen in the load lines on the "Plimsoll Line" where the Freshwater line is much higher than, say, the Winter North Atlantic line (the latter being more salty and colder, and so much more dense) meaning that for the same load, that the waterline in Freshwater will be much higher up the ship than in Winter North Atlantic (or alternatively, the ship will float much deeper in the Freshwater than the Winter North Atlantic).

75 percent of the earths biomass is contained in?

3 Breakdown of Earths Biomass; 4 Ants & Biomass Percentages; 5 Agreed, we need more data ... "The entire earth contains about 75 billion tons of biomass.".

What the affects the angle at which the suns rays hit earth?

The light from the sun travels in a straight line, and we can assume the light rays to be parellel. The angle of incidence on the earths rounded surface depends on where you are on the earth and what time it is. Mid-day on the equator and the rays would hit the ground straight on. Further to the north or south, or later/earlier in the day and the light rays would hit at more of angle. The rays would also have to penitrate more of the earths atmosphere as the angle increases, which takes more `strength` out of the sun.

What does data redundancy mean?

Data redundancy: Sometime Data redundancy refers to in computer data storage, is a property of some disk arrays which provides fault tolerance, so that all or part of the data stored in the array can be recovered in the case of disk failure. The cost typically associated with providing this feature is a reduction of disk capacity available to the user, since the implementations require either a duplication of the entire data set, or an error-correcting code to be stored on the array.Redundancy is attained when the same data values are stored more than once in a table, or when the same values are stored in more than one table.One of the biggest disadvantages of data redundancy is that it increases the size of the database unnecessarily.

Related questions

Do lakes and streams hold more than two thirds of earths freshwater?

oceans freshwater and lakes and streams cover 2/3 of earth

What is an interesting fact about the freshwater biome?

An interesting fact about the freshwater biome is that it covers less than 1% of the Earth's surface but is home to more than 40% of all fish species.

What has more freshwater lakes rivers or groundwater?

groundwater has more freshwater than rivers and lakes

What percent of the Earth's surface is covered with freshwater?

around 70 something percent but im not sure so anyone else should edit it to give u a more exact answer dude u were like SO wrong its not even funny only like 3% of earths water is freshwater there u go 70% is way off she/he was talking about FRESHWATER

Is there more nutrient in salt or freshwater?

Salt and freshwater are not nutrients.

Which is a more cost efficient pool system saltwater or freshwater?


Is tap water fresh water?

Springs are simply freshwater. But some of the fish, if any, in springs are salt and fresh water fish. Think of ponds and rivers and lakes. Those are all freshwater too. One more fact that I have to tell you is that water should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place.

Can halophilic plants exist without salt?

Do halophilic plants require a salty soil? One study suggests that as a general rule even halophilic plants are more productive with regular freshwater flushing. What happens is that the salt is stored in tissues in the plants leaves (usually). stored not abosrbed or used

Is there more saltwater than freshwater on the earth?

There is much more saltwater than freshwater. All of the oceans are made up of saltwater for example.

Do lakes and rivers have more freshwater than ground water?

Dal Lake isn’t just a body of water; it’s a lifeline for the people of Srinagar. Summer transforms it into a vibrant hub with houseboats and Shikaras (traditional wooden boats) gliding gracefully. The morning market on the lake is a photographer’s dream, offering a unique shopping experience with vendors selling everything from fresh produce to exquisite handicrafts.

Why will an egg float in saltwater other than freshwater?

cuz saltwater is more dense than freshwater

Why would freshwater fish die in saltwater?

Saltwater is a lot more dense and would crush the freshwater fish internally.