In lakes, rivers and ponds...
2.5 lakes. Or perhaps 3 lakes since half a lake is still a lake.
Hydroelectric power has been touted as the 'environmentally clean, renewable source of power.' This is subject to debate, as hydroelectric dams use turbines to generate electricity, and these turbines are spun by shafts which have blades on them. Fish which get caught in the high-pressure streams of water directed at the turbine blades usually do not survive the encounter with the blades. Also, the impoundments, or lakes, behind hydroelectric dams slow the speed of the river so much that many young fish do not survive the long swim to the ocean, where food is plentiful in comparison to rivers. Of course, dams present a complete barrior to upstream migration, unless fish ladders are in place, and even fish ladders are not 100 percent effective, as many fish are unable to locate the ladders. Salmon populations upstream of Grand Coulee Dam, which does not have fish ladders, disappeared, except for the freshwater varieties.
The circumference of both lakes north and south is 2.75 miles
new york
Most of Earth's freshwater is located in glaciers and ice caps, with a smaller amount stored in groundwater. Rivers, lakes, and streams make up a small percentage of Earth's total freshwater supply.
The water that flows in streams and rivers into the ocean and lakes is called runoff or freshwater.
The Great Lakes contain about 84% of North America's surface freshwater supply, which is roughly 21% of the world's surface freshwater supply.
Streams,rivers,ponds,lakes are the four main freshwater ecosystems
In freshwater ponds, lakes and streams.
lakes,ponds,streams,some marshes,and swamps
Part of earth's hydrosphere
Most of Earth's freshwater supply is stored in glaciers and ice caps, particularly in Antarctica and Greenland. Groundwater and surface water sources such as rivers, lakes, and streams also contribute to Earth's freshwater supply.
76% (more than two thirds) of Earth's freshwater is found in any ice on Earth. (ex. glaciers) 23% of freshwater is found in groundwater 12% of the groundwater is "shallow ground water" 11% of the groundwater is "deep ground water" 0.34% of Earth's freshwater is found in rivers, streams, and lakes 0.037% of freshwater is found in water vapor
The Great Lakes are not salty because they are filled with freshwater from rivers and streams, and are not connected to the ocean.
Part of earth's hydrosphere