In a lot of different places!
Obviously in geometry. It occurs in the formulas for the circumference and area of a circle, and for the surface area and volume of spheres, cylinders and cones. In mechanics, the formulas for moments of intertia of spheres, cylinders, and so on, involve pi.
Pi also occurs in trigonometry, and is involved in the definition of radian measure (2 pi radians = 360 degrees). Radian measure is used when trigonometric functions are combined with calculus, and that combination has connections with many parts of physics and engineering.
For instance, Fourier series arise from the combination of trigonometry and calculus. Fourier used them to solve problems connected with the distribution of heat in physics. Now they are used in all sorts of places, including acoustics, image analysis, and engineering problems like analysing the behaviour of the digital-to-analogue converters used in CD players and portable audio devices. The formulas for Fourier series involve pi.
There is also a connection between trigonometry and complex numbers, shown in Euler's identity e^(i pi) = -1 (where ^ means "to the power of"). Again, complex numbers are used widely in physics and engineering.
Another place that pi occurs is in probability and statistics: the formula for the normal distribution, which is used all the time in probability and statistics, involves pi.
There is more ...
In summary, if you look at almost any technical field that has some mathematics at its base, you will find pi.
pi is greek for the number 3.14292 ect. It came from greek mathematicians thousands of years ago and is still used today
Pi can be used to calculate the area of a circle Pi can be used to calculate the circumference of a circle
Pi was first used by the Babylonians and Egyptians.
infinity or no ending
yes pi is used around the world today
Pi is used in many ways today. The simplest way it to find the circumference (the perimeter) of a circle or the area (amount of space inside) of a circle.
pi is used in many different formulas. Formula for circumference, Area of a circle, and as we all know, pi is an endless decimal but technically is not repeating
Pi always is the same. 3,1416.....
Today is Pi Day in math which is March 14th and the first three digits of pi are 3.14
pi is greek for the number 3.14292 ect. It came from greek mathematicians thousands of years ago and is still used today
You eat it. Yum!
You are probably thinking about Rahmanujan. However, he didn't really "create pi" - God created pi. Nor did he discover it, pi was known well before Rahmanujan. What he did do was to find some very efficient formulae to calculate pi to many decimal places - formulae that are still used today.
Pi can be used to find a circle, For the circumference-Pi x D, or for the radius Pi x r2
Pi can be used to calculate the area of a circle Pi can be used to calculate the circumference of a circle
Pi was first used by the Babylonians and Egyptians.