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Q: Where is the exponent key on a TI 30XA calculator?
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Where is the exponent key on a TI-30XA calculator?

Hit the EE button on the calculator, and two zeros pop up on the right side of the screen. You then can type any one or two digit number as your exponent.

How do you get 2 to the 10th power on a TI-30XA calculator?

On my TI-36X, it's 2 yx 1 0 = Thank you.

Is there a greatest common factor on a TI-30XA?

No, there is not a greatest common factor on a TI-30XA.

How do you enter an exponent on Texas Instruments TI-30xIIS calculator?

Texas Instruments TI-30xIIS calculator?

How do you clear the M1 off a TI-30XA scientific calculator?

"The TI-30Xa is a scientific calculator made by Texas Instruments. This single-line calculator contains three memory stores labeled "M1," "M2" and "M3." Storing numbers in memory makes working with the same few numbers easier, letting you quickly pull a stored number back up for use. If you've got the solar TI-30Xa, you can quickly clear all three memories by pressing the "ON/AC" button. You'll also reset all three memories when you remove the calculator's batteries."

How do you put negative exponents on a TI-30XA calculator?

First, type the number to be put to a negative power. Then, press the exponent button. Then, press the open parenthesis button. Now press the change-sign button. Then, press the number that is the opposite of the number the first number was to be put to the power of. Now, press the close parenthesis button. Now, press enter.

How do you use the anti log on a TI-89 calculator'?

To find anti log of a number enter the number as the exponent of 10.

How do you calculate an antilog on a TI-86 calculator?

The anti-log is "10^x" listed above the "LOG" key on a TI-86 calculator. All you have to do to use it is press the yellow "2nd" key (this means shift) and then press the "LOG" key.

How do you type negative exponents into a calculator?

If your calculator is advanced, like the TI-84, there is an exponent button you can hit. Then, just Type negative and the exponent. If it is a simpler calculator, like a four-function calculator, there IS a way. By raising a number to a negative exponent, you are saying that one is being divided by that number to the positive version of that power. Ex: 5^-8 = 1/(5^8). To do this, divide one by the base, then raise it to the exponent, making sure that the exponent is POSITIVE. Also be careful that the entire denominator is in parentheses, just in case.

Where is the change sign key on the TI-83 plus calculator?

The sign change key on the TI-83 Plus calculator is located on the bottom row of keys to the left of the ENTER key. It is a white key with black printing that looks like this: (-) You must use this key instead of the blue subtraction key when you need to indicate a negative number; otherwise, the calculator will tell you it doesn't understand what you mean ("syntax error").

How do you get to the function on a TI calculator?

This depends on what function, and what TI calculator.

Is the TI-86 calculator newer than the TI-83 calculator?
