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Q: Where is the horizontal ruler located on the screen?
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What is the name of a ruler that displays along the top edge of the document window?

Horizontal ruler

Is scroll bar located at the bottom of the Powerpoint screen?

Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.Yes there is, both horizontal and vertical.

What is a ruler that displays at the top edge of the window document?

horizontal ruler

How do clear a tab stop from the horizontal ruler?

drag it off the ruler

What is the bottom triangle at the 0 mark on the horizontal ruler?

Hanging indent is the term for the bottom triangle at the 0 mark on a horizontal ruler.

What ruler do you use to indent just the first line of a paragraph?

Horizontal Ruler

Does the vertical ruler display across the top of the word window?

the vertical ruler displays across the top of the word window? my answer is true

What is the horizontal blue bar located on top of screen that display the application name and the active workbook in Microsoft Excel?

The title bar.

What is a horizontal?

A horizontal position is like a ruler laying flat on a table like the example:____________________as apposed to A vertical line like the example:lllllla ruler is going up and down.

What is ruler guide?

PowerPoint has the ruler features that you can use to measure vertical and horizontal distances of the drawing area

Are default tabs indicated by tab markers on the horizontal ruler?

They are indicated just under the ruler, not actually on it.

What is the small square on the horizontal ruler used for?

left indent