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Q: Where might you expect to find a distribution of microbes very similar to that on the webbing between your fingers?
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The binomial distribution is a discrete probability distribution which describes the number of successes in a sequence of draws from a finite population, with replacement. The hypergeometric distribution is similar except that it deals with draws without replacement. For sufficiently large populations the Normal distribution is a good approximation for both.

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Bats have five fingers, similar to humans. However, the fingers are elongated and support the wing membrane to allow bats to fly.

In what ways is the t distribution similar to the standard normal distribution?

Check the lecture on t distributions at StatLect. It is explained there.

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Z is the standard normal distribution. T is the standard normal distribution revised to reflect the results of sampling. This is the first step in targeted sales developed through distribution trends.

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A nonpolar covalent bond is formed when electrons are shared equally between two atoms of similar electronegativity. This leads to a balanced distribution of charge and no separation of charges within the molecule.

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Covalent bonds between atoms of like or similar electronegativity are called nonpolar covalent bonds. These bonds involve an equal sharing of electrons between the atoms, resulting in a balanced distribution of charge.

Covalent bonds between atoms of like or similar electrogativity are called?

Covalent bonds between atoms of like or similar electronegativity are called nonpolar covalent bonds. In this type of bond, electrons are shared equally between the atoms, resulting in a balanced distribution of charge.