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Q: Is mean and median always very similar?
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How will adding the value 200 affect the mean and median of the data set 10 15 17 17 19 20?

The mean will increase very substantially, the median will remain unchanged.The mean will increase very substantially, the median will remain unchanged.The mean will increase very substantially, the median will remain unchanged.The mean will increase very substantially, the median will remain unchanged.

Is median used for when there is a wide range of numbers?

If the wide range is evenly spread between the very small and the very large (the distribution is symmetric) then there is not much to choose between the median and the mean. If not, the median will have some advantages as a measure of central tendency.

Is median the average?

The Median is a form of average. Mathematically, the average is the sum of all values, divided by the number of values there are. This is known as the arithmetic mean. An Average is meant to give a representative value of all of your values. If you have a lot of numbers that are very similar and then one that is massively out of proportion with all the others, then the mean doesn't give a representative value. There are also two other forms of average, other than the arithmetic mean. They are the Mode and Median. The Mode is the most common value in a list and the Median is the middle value when all are arranged in numerical order. Sometimes it is better to use them.

What is mean median and mode in a group of data?

All three are types of averages. The mean is what the typical person means when he says "average": add up all the values and divide by the number of values. The median is the middle value: if you arrange the numbers from low to high and then take the one exactly in the middle of the sequence (or the mean of the two middle values, if there are an even number), that's the median. The mode is the value that occurs most often.In what statisticians call a normal distribution, the mean, median, and mode will all be the same or at least very close. However, many sets of data are not "normal distributions", and in those the three values can be very different. For example, consider the set 5,5,5,20,20,55,100. The mode is 5, the median is 20, and the mean is 30.

Why mean is a better estimate than the median?

The mean is not always better. It is better in the sense that it uses information from each observation but that also means that it is more likely to be distorted by outliers. Under the law of large numbers the mean has some very useful and well understood properties and that make it a good test statistic.

Related questions

Can the median and mean be different?

Yes they can. That is why we have them. We would not need both if they always gave the same value. A mean is the total of numbers divided by the amount of numbers. A median is the middle value in the list when it is in numerical order. Usually they are similar, but not always the same. If there is an extreme number, much different than all the others, then the mean and median will be very different. Take 1, 3, 4, 7, 900. 4 is the Median. 183 is the mean. 183 is not very representative of the set, which is why a median actually works better here.

How will adding the value 200 affect the mean and median of the data set 10 15 17 17 19 20?

The mean will increase very substantially, the median will remain unchanged.The mean will increase very substantially, the median will remain unchanged.The mean will increase very substantially, the median will remain unchanged.The mean will increase very substantially, the median will remain unchanged.

In any data set are the median and mean usually very similar in value?

yes they are if you have 0 and 10 the mean is 5 and so is the median. The mean and the median can in fact be the same value. But basically to answer your question, One possible way is that if the values are ascending by 1 in the data set, then the number of values left to the median should be the same as the number of values right to the median. e.g. 6+7+8+9+10 6,7 = 2 terms 9,10 = 2 terms median =8 mode = 8

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'always very sweetly and graceful' or something similar to it

Does an outlier always affects the mean of a set of data?

Yes. If you have very high or very low outliers in your data set, it is generally preferred to use the median - the mid-point when all data points are arranged from least to greatest. A good example for when to avoid the mean and prefer the median is salary. The mean is less good here as there are a few very high salaries which skew the distribution to the right. This drags the mean higher to the point where it is disproportionately affected by the few higher salaries. In this case, the median would only be slightly affected by the few high salaries and is a better representation of the whole of the data. In general, if the distribution is not normal, the mean is less appropriate than the median.

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What does it mean when two organisms are very similar.

What is the nature of symmetry if median is greater than the mean?

Generally, when the median is greater than the mean it is because the distribution is skewed to the left. This results in outliers or values further below the median than above the median which results in a lower mean value than median value. When a distribution is skewed left, it is generally not very symmetrical or normally distributed.

Is median used for when there is a wide range of numbers?

If the wide range is evenly spread between the very small and the very large (the distribution is symmetric) then there is not much to choose between the median and the mean. If not, the median will have some advantages as a measure of central tendency.

Is median the average?

The Median is a form of average. Mathematically, the average is the sum of all values, divided by the number of values there are. This is known as the arithmetic mean. An Average is meant to give a representative value of all of your values. If you have a lot of numbers that are very similar and then one that is massively out of proportion with all the others, then the mean doesn't give a representative value. There are also two other forms of average, other than the arithmetic mean. They are the Mode and Median. The Mode is the most common value in a list and the Median is the middle value when all are arranged in numerical order. Sometimes it is better to use them.

Are the mean and median always nearly equal?

No, not always. Sometimes they are equal. Sometimes they are close to each other, but not exactly the same. Sometimes they are very different. It depends on the numbers that are being used to calculate the mean and median. The way each is calculated is different. The mean is got by adding all the numbers and dividing by the amount of numbers. The median is got by arranging the numbers in order and finding the middle value in the list, if there is an odd amount of numbers, or the value half way between the two middle values when there are an even amount of numbers.

When might you want to use the median to describe the center of a data set instead of then mean?

You would use the median if the data were very skewed, with extreme values.

How do you know which measure of central tendency best describes the data?

The answer will depend on the nature of the data.If the data are qualitative then the only option is the mode.If they are ordinal then you have a choice between the mode and median. The mode may be a better measure when the data are very skewed. Otherwise the median is usually better.For any higher level of measurement is is also possible to calculate the mean. In such cases the median or mean are better. For very skew distributions the median is better but otherwise is should be the mean.