Calculus is a branch of mathematics, not something tangible that can be made in a factory or lab. The Calculus we know today is the result of many mathematicians efforts over the course of hundreds of years. the two most notable people to contribute to modern calculus are Sir Isaac newton and Gottfried Leibniz.
Trigonometry came first thousands of years ago. Calculus was only discovered several hundered years ago.
It was developed during the 17th century.
Calculus is commonly taken as a first year course in college, but can be taken as an advanced course late in high school through programs like AP Calculus.
No, Einstein did not invent calculus, Isaac Newton did. Liebniz did as well at around the same time and there was a major debate on who invented calculus first, but I think the more popular answer is Isaac Newton. Put Leibniz–Newton calculus controversy into wiki for an artcile about this debate.
Calculus Made Easy was created in 1910.
Pre-calculus refers to concepts that need to be learned before, or as a prerequisite to studying calculus, so no. First one studies pre-calculus then elementary calculus.
Euler didn't discover calculus. He made major contributions to calculus throughout his career, but the foundations of calculus were put forth by Newton and Leibniz.
Based on the history, calculus was first developed by Sir Issac Newton in 1665-1667.
Sir Issac Newton
Trigonometry came first thousands of years ago. Calculus was only discovered several hundered years ago.
Both Liebnez and Newton developed calculus at about the same time and there was a row between them over who developed calculus first.
It was developed during the 17th century.
Discoveries in calculus were not numbered sequentially so it is not possible to determine which one was the twenty first.
First, you need to learn how to do calculus. This can be accomplished through either taking a calculus class or figuring it out on your own. Next, you apply what you have learned to the problem, eventually arriving at the answer.
Calculus is commonly taken as a first year course in college, but can be taken as an advanced course late in high school through programs like AP Calculus.