At Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts in 1928 by Phillip Drinker and Louis Agassiz Shaw.
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The percentage of iron oxide in iron oxide is ... yep, you guessed ... 100%!
An alloy of iron and lead.
The first modern iron lung was invented by Harvard medical researchers Philip Drinker and Luis Agassiz Shaw in 1927.
The machine was invented by Philip Drinker and Louis Agassiz ShawPhilip Drinker was an industrial hygiene who invented the first widely used iron lung in 1928 with Louis Agassiz Shaw.
The ventilator originates from the Iron Lung which was invented by Philip Drinker and Louis Agassiz Shaw. In 1931, the Iron Lung was improved to become the ventilator by John Haven Emerson.
Three men were involved in the invention of the iron lung. Their names were John Emerson, Philip Drinker, and Louis Shaw, Jr.
My Iron Lung was created in 1993.
in 1928 dubble bubble gum, audiotape,bread-slicing machine , iron lung were invented
i doknow
When Was The Electric Iron Invented? When Was The Electric Iron Invented?
iron was invented in 1882 by Henry W. Seeley
The iron box was invented by Henry W. Seeley. This invention was invented in 1882. The iron box is called the clothes iron now a day!