

Where would three tenths go on a number line?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Three tenths would go be side the number three

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Q: Where would three tenths go on a number line?
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Three tenths of the way from 2 towards 3.

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You write the number 3 over the number 10, and a horizontal line in between.

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Mark off your number line in tenths. That's 2.2 and 3.1

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1/20 th of the way, hard to get exact by splitting distances, better with a ruler calibrated in tenths.

Where does four. tenths go on a number line?

To the right of the 0, at four tenths of the dostance between any two consecutive whole numbers.

Between what two numbers would 9 be located on a number line?

If we are talking whole numbers, then 9 is between 8 and 10. But if you have a number line measure in tenths (decimals), then 9 is between 8.9 and 9.1. If the number line is in halves, then 9 coms in between 8 and a half and 9 and a half. There are lots of answers. It just depends on the scale of the number line.

Where is five tenths on a number line?

well tenthes is in the decimals on the number line so it goes 1 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 so it goes to infinities so its kind of in the tenths like you said p.s. I'm only ten

Where would 9.7 be located on a number line?

Somewhere between 9 and 10, cut closer to 10 than 9 - exactly seven tenths of the way from 9 to 10.