Answer: 0.7 is ten times as much as 0.07
Answer: Look at the first digit after the decimal point. That will tell you which one is greater. (If the first digit is the same - not the case here - look at the second digit, and so on.)
6.095 - .007 = 6.088
You add an positive number to .07. The answer is greater than .07
7 = 07
The number 7= 7/1 or 14/2 or 21/3 .7= 7/10 or 14/20 or 28/40 .07= 7/100 .007=7/1000 .0007=7/10000
No because .07 is greater than .007
0.007 is less than 0.07
007 = 7 is greater.
No, 0.7% is not greater than 007
70 is greater than .007
Greater. 007 = 7 > 1 = 1.00
0107 (107) is greater than 007 (7)
If you mean 007 then its is equivalent to 7 which is greater than 0.7
Seven hundredths is .07 = 7/100
007 has the same value as 07 which is 7
.7 of a cenimeter, .07 of a decimeter, .007 of a meter