Some ice cream flavors that start with F are:
French Vanilla
Fudge Ripple
Fudge Royal
Fluffer Nutter
Well, most likely 0F. 0C is the freezing point of water, which is 32F. This means if ice cream was at 0C it would only barely be frozen, and melt very fast. However, ice cream is usually frozen very well, and takes a long time to melt. When it does melt it's only the outside surface, not the entire thing at one time. This means the ice cream is at least a little below the freezing point.
The only one of the five that is "below freezing" (32°F) is the 25°F, and ice would normally only form below the freezing point.
30 degrees F because 30 degrees C is about 90 degrees F and you would not have much ice on the lake!
A-Almond B-Birthday Cake C-Chocolate D-Dulce de Leche E-Espresso F-French Vanilla G-Green Sherbert H-Heath I- J-Just Fudge K- L-Liquorish M-Mint Chocolate Chip N-Neapolitan O-Orange Sherbert P-Pecan Q- R-Rocky Road S-Strawberry T- U- V-Vanilla W-Wicked Caramel Sundae X- Y- Z- Best I can do for ya. Hope this helps! (:
1320 btu`s
FudgeFrench Vanilla
32 Flavors of Ice Cream at Baskin Robins
31 Ice Cream Flavors at Baskin-Robbins
He very much so loves ice cream!
I read that ice cream freezes at approximately 11 degrees F
Ice Cream with a Flake
fudge browniefrench vinilla
Ice Cream man
A freezer is obviously kept below freezing (<32 F). So the ice cream would also be < 32 F. The water, because of the phase change (the ice slowing melting to water), will be exactly 32 F until all of the ice melts (assuming there is enough ice to cool the entire drink). Therefore, the Ice cream may feel colder to the teeth because it is colder!