I don't know the name. But its live in muddy water, and have 32 eyes.
Anybody know the details of that creature. may be animal fish.......
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Genetics often involves dominant and recessive alleles. For instance, blue eyes are recessive and brown eyes are dominant.1 Each parent contributes one allele. If you get two blues, then your eyes are blue. If you get one or two browns, then you eyes are brown. That means that, given a random contribution from your parents, you have a 25% probability of blue eyes. It also means that, even though you have brown eyes, you could be carrying the blue allele, and two parents with brown eyes could have a blue eyed child. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1Its more complicated than that, since eye color is actually polygenic, involving more than one allele. This example was simplified to answer the question.
No, three is more than two.
If by "has more than two whole numbers" you mean more than two factors, the answer is all composite integers.
Becoz if we want to get addmission in a school , college , industry , organisation , then they would see us as an alien and fire us ...... simple ;) xD
It is possible, but extremely rare. If a snake has two heads, that means four eyes instead of two. I don't know if a snake can have more than two eyes on one head, but yes, having more than two eyes is possible for a snake.
There are not any animals that have more than two ears. The ears of animals help them to hear things, especially predators.
Spider, Fly probably Bees
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Two simple eyes. Compound eyes have more than one lens.
All people are classed as animals. Native Americans are people. There are therefore more than two native American animals.
No animals have hair on their eyes. Some animals, like mammals, have eyelashes to protect their eyes from debris and dust. Eyelashes help keep foreign objects from entering the eyes and causing irritation or damage.
They only have 2 eyes because they don't need any more than that but for spiders that's a different story they have 8 eyes but im not sure why they have 8!
Nobody knows, but maybe more than two trillions of animals!
I think a crocodile has two eyelid's per eye, so it can see properly in both fresh and salt water but other than that I don't know.
well there are more than just two animals that live underground such as the naked mole rat, badgers, meercats, rabbits, prairie dogs and many more