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Becoz if we want to get addmission in a school , college , industry , organisation , then they would see us as an alien and fire us ...... simple ;) xD

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Q: Why can't we have more than two eyes?
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Can snakes have more then two eyes?

It is possible, but extremely rare. If a snake has two heads, that means four eyes instead of two. I don't know if a snake can have more than two eyes on one head, but yes, having more than two eyes is possible for a snake.

What insects have more than two eyes?


What has more than two eyes?

Spider, Fly probably Bees

Why are two eyes more valuable than one?

You have a wider view

Does a human being have compound or simple eye?

Two simple eyes. Compound eyes have more than one lens.

Why cant our eyes look in two different directions?

Our eyes are physically limited in their ability to move independently because they are connected to the same control center in the brain. This coordination ensures that both eyes focus on the same object, providing depth perception and binocular vision. Trying to look in two different directions simultaneously would result in double vision and confusion.

Can asteroids have more than two moons?

It cant have any because an astroid always moves.

How many eyes does a bat have?

They only have 2 eyes because they don't need any more than that but for spiders that's a different story they have 8 eyes but im not sure why they have 8!

What has two ears two eyes 2 two nose and cant breathe?

A surrealist's self portrait, perhaps.

What two numbers go into 370 evenly?

there is more than 2... ; 1,2,5,10 and there is probably more but i cant think now.

How do you get more than two Moshlings if you are not a member?

you cant you can have as many as you get when your a member but when your not a member you can only have 2 :) SORRY

Can three teeth grow together?

teeth cant grow more than two at the same time