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Q: Which coordinates of point x and point z are the same And which are different?
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Do rectangular coordinates have the same property as polar coordinates?

Some of them but not all. For example, uniqueness. The rectangular coordinates (x, y) represent a different point if either x or y is changed. This is also true for polar coordinate (r, a) but only if r > 0. For r = 0 the coordinates represent the same point, whatever a is. Thus (x, y) has a 1-to-1 mapping onto the plane but the polar coordinates don't.

Describe how to find the coordinates of the image of a point after a 270 degree rotation?

Point A has coordinates (x,y). Point B (Point A rotated 270°) has coordinates (y,-x). Point C (horizontal image of Point B) has coordinates (-y,-x).

Are x-coordinate and x-axis the same?

The x-axis is a part of a graph that provides a reference for the x-coordinates of points.The coordinates of a point are shown as (x,y) with x being the x-coordinate. The x-coordinate is plotted in reference to the x-axis.So in summary they are not the same but related.

How homogenous co-ordinate system differ from cartesian system?

We assume that the ambient space is equipped with the standard Cartesian coordinate system and specify points by their Cartesian coordinates.The Cartesian coordinates of a point in the plane are a pair (x,y).The homogeneous coordinates of a point in the plane are a triple (x,y,w) with w!=0. The Cartesian coordinates of a point with homogeneous coordinates (x,y,w) are (x/w,y/w).Remark: We notice that the homogeneous coordinates of a point are not unique. Two triples that are multiples of each other specify the same point.The Cartesian coordinates of a point are of type double in the floating point kernel and of type rational in the rational kernel. The homogeneous coordinates of a point in the rational kernel are of type integer. Points in the floating point kernel are stored by their Cartesian coordinates.For points in the rational kernel it is more efficient to store them by their homogeneous coordinates, i.e., to use the same denominator for x- and y-coordinate.For compatibility also points in the floating point kernel have homogeneous coordinates (x,y,1.0). These homogeneous coordinates are of type double.

How do you determine if a certain point lies on a given line by just having the coordinates for the point and the equation of the line?

Substitute the x coordinate into the equation for x and calculate y. If the formla gives the same y value as the coordinates, the point is on the line. If it is diffent, it is not on the line.

How do you draw vertical line on coordinate plane?

The x co-ordinate of each point on a vertical line is the same. So pick two points with the same x coordinates and with y-coordinates as far apart as the scale allows and join them.

What is the coordinates for y equals x y equals -x plus 2?

The coordinates of the point of intersection is (1,1).

Do X and y coordinates have same sign?

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.It depends upon which quadrant the point is in:In quadrant I they both have the same sign - positive;In quadrant II they have the different signs - x is negative whilst y is positive;In quadrant III they both have the same sign - negative;In quadrant IV they have the different signs - x is positive whilst y is negative;

How do you calculate the midpoint of a pair of coordinates in maths?

The average of the x coordinates of the point(s) is the x coordinate of the mid point, The average of the y coordinates of the point(s) is the y coordinate of the mid point, and so on, through 3, 4 dimensions, etc.

A point P has coordinates (3 2). What are its new coordinates after reflecting point P over the x-axis?


Which word means the same as x coordinate?

In algebra and mathematics , names are given to x coordinates and y coordinates as : x coordinates are known as abssisca. Y coordinates are known as ordinate.

How do you use absolute value to find the distance between two points that have the same x coordinates but different y coordinates?

The distance between (x, y1) and (x, y2) is abs(y1 - y2) or |y1 - y2|.