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Q: Which customary unit of measure would you use to find the weight of a cat?
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What metric unit would you use to find the weight of a golden retriever?

the best answer from me you can get is i would have to say measure it by pounds

How many milliliters equal a popund?

Of what? mL is a measure of volume. pound is a measure of weight. To answer this question, you would have to know what it is you're measuring and then find out the density (which is the weight/volume). This would be like asking how many ounces are in an inch.

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How do you measure 5 cups of chocolate?

If it is solid chocolate, I would measure it by weight. Try to find out how much a cup of your chocolate weighs. Then multiply by 5.

How do you find a third of a person's body weight?

Measure the weight the divide it by 3

How do you find the density of your own body?

To find the density of your body, you would need to measure your weight and volume. You can measure weight using a scale, and volume can be estimated by submerging yourself in water and measuring the displaced volume. Divide your weight by your volume to get your body density.

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Which customary unit would be used to find the length of a baby?

Dude what the hec

How do you find the density of a brick?

To find the density of a brick, you would first measure its mass using a scale. Next, you would measure its volume by either calculating its dimensions or by using displacement in water. Finally, divide the mass by the volume to determine the density, typically measured in kg/m^3.

What would ypu measure the mass of an squirrel?

Well, providing the squirrel is compliant, you simply put the squirrel on a scale to find it's weight in grams, which are the units of measure for mass.

How can you find your height in kilograms?

Kilograms is a measure of weight not height.

What customary unit of measure should you use to find the height of a computer screen?

Most computer companies use inches to display their screen sides.