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Q: Which development best completes the diagram of domestication of plants?
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How does farming and domestication of plants lead to a civilization?

The transition from hunting and gathering to farming allowed for a more reliable food source, which led to settled communities, surplus production, and specialization of labor. Domestication of plants enabled the development of agriculture, which supported larger populations and the growth of complex societies, leading to the rise of civilizations.

Why is domestication important?

Domestication is important because it allows humans to control the breeding, behavior, and characteristics of plants and animals for their own benefit. This has enabled the development of agriculture, the domestication of animals for food and companionship, and the creation of a stable food supply. Additionally, domestication has played a role in the evolution of societies and cultures.

Why was domestication an important development in human history?

Domestication allowed humans to transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agricultural communities, leading to the development of civilization. It provided a stable and reliable food source, enabling population growth and the division of labor. Additionally, domestication allowed for the selective breeding of plants and animals, leading to the expansion of agricultural practices and the development of new technologies.

How do you use the word domestication of plants and amimals in a sentence?

Man has conquered the planet through his domestication of plants and animals.

What helped development of farming?

The invention of agriculture, domestication of plants and animals, availability of fertile land, development of irrigation systems, and the exchange of knowledge among different societies all contributed to the development of farming.

Which period domestication started?

The New Stone Age is when domestication started .You can domesticate animals and plants.

When and where did domestication of plants begin?

In caca land

What are the causes on the development of agriculture?

The development of agriculture was influenced by factors such as climate change, population growth, and the domestication of plants and animals. As populations grew, there was a need for a stable food supply, leading to the cultivation of crops and the domestication of animals. Environmental changes also played a role in shaping agricultural practices over time.

What Country in Sub-sahara Africa was the center of domestication of plants and animals?

The highlands of Ethiopia was one of the centers of domestication of plants and animals of Sub-Saharan Africa.

What is the raising of plants and animals for human use?


The best definition of agriculture.?

the domestication of plants and animals

What is a sentence for domestication?

She domesticated many wild animals and plants. This is a sample sentence using the word domestication.