The digit in the hundreds place in the number 2378.91 is the digit 3.
There is no digit in the thousands place. There is an 8 in the thousandths place.
Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!
The digit in the thousands place of the number 741256 is the digit 1.
The digit in the tenths place of the number 1465.98 is the digit 9.
The digit in the hundreds place in the number 2378.91 is the digit 3.
The digit in the hundredths place in the number 5.432 is the digit 3.
127.869 In ones place is 7 In tenths place is 8 In tens place is 2
There is no digit in the thousands place. There is an 8 in the thousandths place.
Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!
The digit in the thousands place of the number 741256 is the digit 1.
5 is in the thousandths place; there is no digit in the thousands place.
The digit in the tenths place of the number 809.47321 is the digit 4.
The digit in the tenths place of the number 1465.98 is the digit 9.
the digit in the ones place is the 3
To round any number, look at the digit to the right of the place you are rounding to. If the digit is 5 or more, change the digit in the place you are rounding to to the next higher digit. If the digit to the right of the place you are rounding to is less than 5, leave the digit in the place you are rounding to as it is. Change all digits to the right of the place you rounded to to zeros.
The digit in the hundreds place in the number 463 is the digit 4.