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Q: Which does not interrupt a running process. 1.device 2.timer 3.schedule process 4.power failure?
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What is FMEA with diagram?

FMEA Stands for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis FMEA reviews a process step by step and asks, "What can go wrong?" That's the failure mode. It then asks what happens if it fails? Next, potential root causes of the failure are listed and the frequency of occurrence is determined. The ability to detect (or prevent) the failure is also reviewed for the current process. These three criteria, Severity (S), Occurrence (O), and Detection (D), are rated on scales of 1 to 10, with a 1 representing only a minor incidence and 10 representing a catastrophic event for S, very frequent occurrence for O, or inability to detect the failure for D. The product of the three S*O*D ratings becomes the Risk Priority Number (RPN). Higher RPNs prioritize the need to eliminate the cause, reduce the frequency, or improve detection and prevention of the failure mode. The second part of FMEA is to determine action steps to reduce the RPN for those items selected. Once actions are taken, the S*O*D ratings and the RPN are revised. Most organizations develop rating scales specific to their processes, products, and services.

Is piston cylinder process is constant pressure process or constan volume process?

A piston cylinder process actually includes two processes. The gas inside the piston undergoes both the constant pressure process and the contant volume process.

Is the word process a verb?

Yes, the word 'process' is a verb. 'Process' also functions as a noun.

When the only sources of variation in a production process are caused by chance the process is said to be?

In process control.

What is the process of converting a fraction to a decimal?

The process of long division.

Related questions

What is an interrupt?

interrupt is a disturbance ,and request to do various jobs unusually while executed to be in current process in a system

How interrupt is performed using 8259-?

The interrupt process is simple. The 8259 is combined with many interrupts inputs.

What is interrpt request lines?

these are the block of code which tell the OS that a specific interrupt has arrived or to send interrupt request to some particular task. Interrupt is to stop the normal execution of the program and process the interrupt first according to it's priority in the interrupt vector table.

What is interrupt acknowledge?

Interrupt acknowledge is the process of acknowledging a hardware interrupt, obtaining an interrupt vector address, and initiating the interrupt service routine in software. The INTA- (Interrupt Acknowledge) pin has the same timing as RD-, and external hardware is expected to provide an opcode in response to it. In the case of TRAP, RST7.5, RST6.5, and RST5.5, there is no specific interrupt acknowledge cycle like there is for INTR, but everything else is the same.

What happens when processor is attending an interrupt if it gets another interrupt?

The response to another interrupt request during servicing of an interrupt depends on the setting of the interrupt enable flag and/or the interrupt mask. If the interrupt service routine is thread safe, it will process correctly. More probably, problems will arise so the proper procedure is to either set the interrupt mask (8085) to not allow this or lower priority interrupts before reenabling interrupt, or to leave interrupts disabled until this iteration is complete. If interrupts are disabled or masked, a subsequent interrupt will be posted but not processed until the first is completed.

What is the exact difference between interrupt handling and exception handling?

interrupt handling is the process of handling a break or interrupt called by a program where as exception handling is for handling some exceptional conditions that'll occur when a program is running

What is the difference between context switch and process switch?

when ever an interrupt occurs, it saves the context of the program being executed & sets the PC to the starting address of the interrupt handling program. now after servicing the interrupt if the same process is resumed which was being interrupted then we will say a context switch has occurred.But imagine after servicing the interrupt if a new process is to be executed then some more work is required, that is it has to save some more information from the PCB to keep reference to resume its execution and we say process switch has occurred..!!

What is the process of a hardware device requesting service from the CPU?

This is known as an 'interrupt'. There is an extensive article explaining interrupts in detail here:

Which funtcion is performing when an operating system receives an interrupt from the printer and pauses the CPU?

In traditional programming parlance, an interrupt is handled by an Interrupt Handler. The CPU is not actually paused, but the current process that was running before the interrupt occurred is paused while the CPU processes the request. Once the Interrupt Handler returns, the application will be returned to its original running state. In modern operating systems with multiple tasks, the original application that was running may stay suspended after the interrupt completes in favor of running another process that has been suspended for some time.

What is the meaning to Disruption?

The Google definition of Disruption: "disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process."

How ISR is serviced?

ISRs (Interrupt Service Routines) are serviced by the operating system or microcontroller when an interrupt request is received. When an interrupt occurs, the processor pauses its current task and jumps to the ISR to handle the interrupt. Once the ISR is executed, the processor resumes the interrupted task.

Why are interrupt required?

Interrupts are required in order to get the attention of the CPU. A CPU typically has two interrupt lines. One is the nonmaskable interrupt line (NMI). That is used in the case of critical errors, since this interrupt cannot be ignored. The other one is the regular interrupt line. That is used by hardware devices and certain software to get the attention of the CPU. When you move a mouse, for instance, that creates both a hardware and software interrupt. So the CPU would then process the mouse driver code and move the cursor, then get back to what it was doing.