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Q: Which form of communication is used by someone who acknowledges the feelings on both sides while defending their own ideas and needs?
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Why cheating is not wrong?

It is wrong because it hurts the person you are with. You are betraying them by kissing someone else. You are picking someone else over them and it hurts their feelings.

Is lying and cheating the same?

If you are lying about seeing someone else when you shouldn't be the it's cheating. If you are lying so you don't hurt someone's feelings or you're lying to protect yourself from something you did wrong it is not cheating.

What does the word 'steal' and 'slide' mean?

These are terms from baseball. To 'steal' is to advance one or more bases in a situation where the ball has not been hit: where someone has mishandled the ball, or during a pitch. A 'slide' is what players use when as a base runner they approach a base guarded by a defending player who has or is expected to shortly have the ball. If the defending player touches the runner before he touches the base, the runner is out, so the runner slides, usually foot first, toward the base, in an effort to get past the defender before he can be tagged.

What is transference and projection?

Transference is a phenomenon in psychology characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings of one person to another. For instance, one could mistrust somebody who resembles an ex-spouse in manners, voice or external appearance; or be overly compliant to someone who resembles a childhood friend. In a therapy context, transference refers to redirection of a client's feelings from a significant person to a therapist. Counter-transference is defined as redirection of a therapist's feelings toward a client, or more generally as a therapist's emotional entanglement with a client. Transference was first described by Freud, who acknowledged its importance for psychoanalysis for better understanding of the patient's feelings. Transference is often manifested as an erotic attraction towards a therapist. It's also common for people to transfer feelings from their parents to their partners (emotional incest) or to children (cross-generational entanglements). Although transference is often characterized as a useful tool for building trust between a client and a therapist, transference can also interfere with a therapist

You are in love with bisexual guy who sometimes behave heavenly and sometimes total avoid you?

If you are in a romantic or sexual relationship with the guy, you need to confront him. Ask him if his heart is somewhere else and tell him how you feel. If you two are not involved with each other, tell him that the way he is acting is messing with your feelings. If he cares about you, he'll stop. If he doesn't, move on. You can do better with someone who is devoted to you and to only you.

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Reasons for communicating?

Communication is a good to use when you are trying to learn something or education someone. Another good use for communication is to express feelings.

Does someone miss you if they're in your dream?

No, much as one might wish such things to be true, there is no mystical communication between dreamers. Dreaming about someone indicates the dreamer's feelings, not the feelings of the other person.

Can you give off feelings to someone?

You can share feelings with someone but not give off feelings to someone.

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Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions. It serves as a powerful tool in understanding someone's true feelings and thoughts, often complementing or contradicting their verbal messages.

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A listener is someone who pays attention to and comprehends spoken or written communication. In the context of therapy or counseling, a listener is someone who actively engages in understanding and empathizing with the speaker's thoughts and feelings.

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How do you like this boy if he is far away?

Feelings can persist for someone even if they are physically distant. Communication, trust, and effort to maintain a connection can help sustain a relationship with someone who is far away.

What do you do after you told someone you liked them?

After expressing your feelings to someone, give them space to process and respond in their own time. Respect their feelings and be open to whatever their response may be, whether it's positive or negative. Communication and understanding are key in moving forward, regardless of the outcome.

What do you do when you come out of the closet?

''Coming out of the closet'' generally refers to someone who acknowledges and discloses that he or she is gay.

What is insensitive listening?

Insensitive listening occurs when someone fails to show empathy or understanding towards the speaker's emotions or experiences. It can involve interrupting, dismissing, or minimizing the speaker's feelings, which can lead to communication breakdowns and feelings of invalidation.

How to get concern from a boyfriend?

The best way to get a reaction from someone is to express your feelings. You need to have open communication with someone that you are in a relationship with. Tell them how you feel. If they do not provide you with the type of emotional connection that you need, maybe he is not the right one for you.

What are the advantages when you hide comments on Facebook?

Hiding comments on Facebook can preserve your privacy and friendships. Online communication is low context, it is easy for someone to misunderstand you, so hiding comments can avoid hurting someone's feelings.