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Q: Which form uses amc forms 68 and 77 as source documents?
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The computer interface that shows documents as they will look in their final form and uses icons to represent programs is called the graphical user interface.

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Two types of literary documents are novels, which are fictional narratives in prose form, and poetry, which uses rhythmic and metaphorical language to express emotions and ideas.

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Uses of normal form: - used in logic programming and many theorem proving systems. - the main advantage of clausal form is its uniformity, which makes it suitable for automatic processing - used in database programs #

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The type of computer accessory that uses a deskjet cartridge is an HP printer. HP printers allow you to print out documents from your computer, scan documents and fax documents.

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Binary forms ARE BASED on the Principle of Contrast! So yes, answer is true. FYI: Ternary form uses a mixture of repetition and contrast.

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Answer: A Photoheterotroph Feedback: *Energy source: -Phototroph: uses light -Chemotroph: uses redox reactions from an organic or inorganic compound *Carbon source: -Autotroph: uses CO2 -Heterotroph: uses an organic source of carbon

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A possessive pronoun uses an apostrophe to show possession, such as "one's" or "someone's."

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This is a word that uses the -ible form of -able, with the forms flexible and flexibility.

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What type of pronoun uses an apostrphe to form the possessive?

None of the pronouns use an apostrophe for the possessive form. The possessive forms are:possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, their, its.

What are some uses of a confidential stamp?

Private and confidential stamps are used to mark papers / documents as not being available for public uses. They also raise awareness of any people who have no business with the documents not to open them.

Who uses a 1099 tax form?

The payer. There are a ton of different 1099 tax forms (or information returns) and new forms continued to be developed and released. Each form is sending different information to the IRS. But in all cases, its the payer (the one who is paying out the money) is required to fill out the 1099 form and mail it to the recipient.