It would be twelve twenty-seconds, eighteen thirty-thirds, etc.
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 200/210 is equal to 20/21, or twenty twenty-firsts.
twenty-four twenty-sixths
20/35? That's equivalent to 4/7.
6/7 is equivalent to 12/14. It is also equivalent to 24/48. To find an equivalent fraction, multiply the top and bottom by the same number. Or if you want to reduce a fraction, divide by the same number, or factor it out. Equivalent fractions are ones that have the same value but look different.
twenty-seven thirty-thirds
3/5 is the simplified equivalent fraction.
It would be twelve twenty-seconds, eighteen thirty-thirds, etc.
"Eight twenty-firsts" or "eight over twenty-one".
It's the equivalent of 3/5. Both numbers divide exactly by 7.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 2, 42/62 is equal to 21/31 or twenty-one thirty-firsts.
twenty-four twenty-sixths
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 200/210 is equal to 20/21, or twenty twenty-firsts.
7/12 or seven twelfths